Tendon pain is the most common gradual-onset, overloading injury. Mechanotherapy / exercise is the most beneficial treatment option.
Eccentric exercises have been commonly prescribed over the last decade, following the pain-provoking Alfredson programme of 3 x 15 reps, twice/day. It sometimes works very well. The last few years I’ve favoured isometric exercise as an initial treatment - partly because of personal experience with Achilles, patellar, and lateral elbow tendon issues, & recommendation from Jill Cook & Craig Purdham at the AIS.
New research adds some support to isometric exercise as a treatment for tendinopathy, concluding it reduces tendon pain and improves strength. The authors delve in to all the “hows” & “whys” of how it works in their discussion, and to be honest it’s a bit technical for my understanding.
The research protocol uses 5 reps of a 45 second contraction, at a 70% effort. I prefer a more gentle contraction of 50% effort, but a longer hold of at least a minute, and I like a larger total volume of at least 10 minutes/day. Obviously it’s hard to define what the perfect dosage is for exercise, & volume could be adjusted depending on results. I like isometrics because:
14/5/2016 02:14:07 pm
I was looking to incorporate isometrics in rehab for my brachialis issue from bouldering/rock climbing. I was wondering about suggestions for sets/repetitions and frequency, I wanted to try isometric pullups (hanging at 90 degrees at the elbow), along with static stretches.
14/5/2016 07:41:43 pm
I wouldn't recommend static stretching. In most cases it seems to be aggravating.
16/5/2016 02:39:45 pm
I feel 3x30 twice a day is most suitable since I'm doing static holds with my whole bodyweight. Do you think I need to find a way to lessen the load on my arms somehow and do longer holds?
16/5/2016 02:48:20 pm
And also, I would appreciate input on whether or not there's need for a warmup for this sort of rehabilitative isometrics, and your opinion on rest periods between sets.
17/5/2016 08:43:11 am
Thank you so much for the help! So far it feels good, and I am looking forward to seeing the long term effects.
Anita Stack
4/6/2016 05:13:55 pm
Hi I have recently ben told I have Tendinopathy of the Gluteus Medius. I have just read your description of Isometric exercises being a good way to start to help the problem. Can you give me some examples of what I could do. I have visited a local physio who gave me one exercise but wants me re visit to get the next one which is costly and time consuming for me. Comments are closed.
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